Thank God for the abundance of Gods Word and the Ministry of the Holy Spirit....but we must acknowledge the power of the blood of Jesus. The blood of Jesus is not a substance alone...its a lifestyle, and a living in the abundance of the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus is the forgiving strength of God that pardon the worst level of sin or disobedience. The blood of Jesus speaks mercy irrespective of how deep and worst your sin might be. The blood of Jesus declares you not guilty BECAUSE OF WHAT JESUS HAS DONE ON THE CROSS... even if the devil has prove that you are guilty. You need the blood of Jesus every day for growth, forgiveness, and for restoration. The way to activate the blood of Jesus to work in you and work for you is in your believe on the finished work of Christ on the Cross The blood of Jesus is the power that keeps you conscious of the depth of Gods love and plan for your life. The blood of Jesus advocate on your behalf....for one purpose.......