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Showing posts from March, 2020

Need Those That Needs You

I understand how loving some one can be frustrating some time but we must be sensitive. You must accept this...this person you like might not need you. No body commits to your life until you have some thing they need. To avoid confusion or you settling for less, there is a better suggestion. MAKE FRIENDS WITH PEOPLE WHO HAVE THE SAME TALENT YOU HAVE. SOME ONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN THE VERY AREA OF WHAT GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO DO. DECIDE TO LOVE SOME ONE THAT VALUE AND HAVE RESPECT FOR YOUR PERSON. Don't just live your self by chance. Be deliberate and Specific about how you love people. Don't just settle for every thing your emotions and attraction suggest to you. Decide who to love and stop settling for less or for people who thinks there are doing you a favour by loving you. Stay with people who have some Godly interest in common with you. It might be Intellectual, social, physical, spiritual, financial, talent or profession. NEED THOSE THAT NEED YOU. May the Holy Spirit