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Showing posts from January, 2018

Commitment to Love

How committed are you to your life?  Yes!  You read right!  How committed are you to your own life?  Before you start getting angry of people not loving you, love you. Care for you. Value you. Celebrate you. Invest into you. Train you.  Be committed to your self-discipline. Be committed to your personal self development. Be committed to the constant improvement of your own character, mindset, manner of approach and your creativity.  Live a life that is healthy before you invite some one else to join you through friendship or relationship or dating.  Be committed to your own life. Be committed to your own values and priority. Be committed to your own well being.  Don't insult your self because you want to impress a lady or a man. Be committed to your own life first before you start learning how to be committed to people. Please, don't be committed to the people that are not willing or ready to be committed to you.  Be inspired  #Ho