Your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit is what can transform you to become a person of value. You must believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that Jesus is the Son of the Living God. Your belief in Jesus is the beginning of you being transformed into a person of value. Your personal relationship with the Holy is what establishes you into a person of value. Becoming a person of value is a journey of Grace and Truth. Becoming a person of value is a journey of you becoming the original you (divine purpose). Becoming the person of value is you becoming a Son in God’s kingdom. God is the source of value and you becoming a person of value is you putting on God’s Nature. Sin and Greed is the enemy that will stop you from becoming a person of value. The purpose of love is the purpose of God. The purpose of love is the purpose of who you are in Christ Jesus. The purpose of love is the purpose of God’s plan for your life. The purpose of love is you knowing wh...