We are called to be careful how we live. People will be watching us wherever we go; how we are, and what we are will be scrutinized. Therefore, we must strive to do our best, so our Lord is represented with excellence through us. Even if we never do wrong, we may be accused of wrong. However, character always triumphs because it convicts those who do not have it. They will see Christ through us, but we have to remain firm in our trust and obedience in Him. Others have the option to believe in Christ, but the key may be in how you remain faithful to Him as His witness (1 Peter 2: 11-12)! We are to act nobly to others in spite of how they may treat us. We are to watch our conduct by working out a biblical character. This is formed by our growing faith as well as a balance between exhibiting holiness and setting boundaries from potential harm. In Peter and Paul's time, Christians were accused of being cannibals because of the Lord's Supper, of being disloyal and atheis...